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Sex Offenses


Florida Sex Crimes Charges Demand a Serious West Palm Beach Criminal Attorney

The state of Florida takes even the most minor sex crimes charges very seriously, and you may find yourself up against hefty fines, jail time, other administrative penalties, as well as the requirement to put your name on the sex offender registry. Any kind of criminal charge can make your life tougher – employers and landlords will not want you, loan applications are less likely to be approved, and college admissions boards will be far quicker to discount you – but those on the sex offender registry face even more hardships.

Sex Offender Registration, Sexual Predator Classification

If you are required to register as a sex offender in Florida, it is not just a one-time thing. You will need to regularly provide the state with all kinds of personal information and update anything that changes, including:

  • Identifying information such as names, aliases, finger and palm prints, tattoos, professional licenses, passports, and immigration documents
  • Location information such as phone numbers and all addresses (transient, temporary, former, permanent, and current)
  • Any vehicles that you rent, lease, own, are registered in your name, or for which you are the title holder

How often do you need to update this information? Semi-annually, quarterly, or even more frequently depending on what is ordered in your specific case.

And, of course, you will face restrictions on where you can live, the kinds of jobs you can hold, and more. While Florida law (Sec. 943.04354) does allow for sexual offender and predator status to be removed under certain circumstances (the Romeo and Juliet law), your best bet is to avoid conviction in the first place with a strong defense.

David W. Olson has been representing people who have been charged with sex offenses in Florida for over 30 years, and he knows just how tough it can be. It is his belief that every single person deserves to have their rights and freedoms protected with the best possible defense strategy. That is why he vows to do everything in his power to get your charges dropped, dismissed, or reduced.

Many people look at those accused of sex crimes with disdain, but not Mr. Olson. He understands that there are all kinds of reasons that you might have been charged. It could be that your accuser is out to get you. Or that there is a case of mistaken identity. Perhaps you had a momentary lapse in judgment. Or simply did not understand that you were doing something wrong. Florida sex crime laws are complicated, and they encompass a shockingly wide range of offenses, so it is entirely possible to engage in an act without realizing that it is illegal.

Unfortunately, the stigma of committing a sex offense in our society is so great that fighting these types of charges can be an uphill battle. Because of this, you absolutely need someone on your side with an in-depth understanding of the statutes governing sex crimes and a track record of success. Mr. Olson is that lawyer.

A Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Who Will Fight for Your Rights No Matter Which Sex Charge You Face

In Florida, sex crimes fall under one of three categories: illegal sexual acts with minors, lewd or lascivious behavior, and rape or sexual battery. Sadly, these three categories tell you little about the types of penalties that you might be facing. Moreover, the categories can easily bleed over into one another. The best way to understand your specific charges and the penalties you are up against is to consult with a knowledgeable sex crimes lawyer.

Some of the most common sex offenses in Florida include:

·      Child pornography

·      Rape

·      Date rape

·      Exhibition

·      Indecent exposure

·      Lewd and lascivious behavior towards minors

·      Molestation

·      Prostitution

·      Sexual abuse

·      Sexual assault

·      Sexual exploitation

·      Solicitation

·      Statutory rape

·      Voyeurism

Sexual Battery

Sexual battery occurs when an individual engages in or attempts to engage in nonconsensual sex with another person.

  • “Sexual battery” means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object…”
  • “Sexual battery does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.”

When a person 18 or older commits sexual battery on a child under 12, a conviction will result in capital sexual battery and a potential mandatory life sentence. This is obviously an extremely serious offense that requires qualified and highly skilled legal representation.

When an 18 year old commits sexual battery on a person 18 or older, a conviction can potentially result in years in prison, thousands of dollars of fines, and civil culpability.

For example, it probably comes as no surprise that those charged with rape or date rape face the possibility of spending years in prison and paying thousands in fines, along with being responsible for civil penalties. If the accused is 18 or over and their alleged victim is under 12, they may even face life imprisonment. But all sexual offenses are taken very seriously, and even someone convicted of indecent exposure can spend up to a year incarcerated.

David W. Olson’s years of experience have given him a clear understanding of all of the statutes governing sex crimes and what kinds of defenses work best to tear down prosecutors’ arguments and give you the best possible chance at a positive outcome. When you get in contact with him, the first thing he will do is sit down and go over the facts of your case with you to gain a clear understanding of everything that it entails. Then he will clarify for you what you are facing, from the worst case scenario to the most favorable ruling, and outline the various options that you have, always keeping in mind what you want.

You Need a Florida Defense Attorney Who Understands Common Sex Crimes Defenses

With sex crimes charges, your life and future are on the line. David W. Olson knows this. But he also knows that you should not be without hope as long as you have a smart criminal lawyer by your side. There are a number of defenses that you can potentially use depending on the specifics of your situation. Some common ones include:

Consensual act. If the alleged victim consented to a sexual act, you can argue that it was not rape. This defense may also be applied in cases of sexual assault and abuse.

Victim is lying. If the alleged victim has a history of making false allegations, or if there is another reason that can be argued why they would lie about the crime, this can be a strong defense.

I didn’t do it. This one actually covers several different types of defenses, including mistaken identity, and – in the case of indecent exposure, arguments that the behavior was misconstrued, not in public, or that there was no exposure of sexual organs.

The best defense, of course, will depend upon the particulars of your case, which is why you need a skilled criminal lawyer like David W. Olson on your side as early on as possible.

Start Working with a Compassionate West Palm Beach Sex Crimes Lawyer Today

One of the most important elements in defeating sex crimes charges is time. More than in many other types of cases, the evidence in sex crimes cases often needs to be collected and catalogued quickly. If you wait to hire your defense attorney and evidence disappears or expires, it can potentially make your defense a lot more difficult.

Do not let this happen. Reach out to David. W. Olson now and find out what so many others have already learned. Complete our online case review form, then get in touch for a free initial consultation in one of two convenient ways:

Call: 561-833-8866

Email: David@dwolaw.com

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