Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, other drugs, or prescription medications is a crime in every state. Even if evidence of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) shows impairment, a good West Palm Beach DUI lawyer may seek to have the charges reduced or have the cased dismissed. If you have been involved in a DUI accident, you should hire a DUI attorney to represent you.
Why Hire a West Palm Beach DUI Lawyer?
Drunk driving can be so deadly to other motorists that is why courts don’t take DUI lightly. But in the event that you’re truly innocent such as you were not drinking at all but failed the breath test or sobriety test, you will need an attorney. If you plan to argue your innocence, do not try to represent yourself but seeking legal counsel is the way to go.
Consequences of a DUI Conviction
If an individual is convicted of a DUI, a criminal sentence is going to be carried out such as a fine, community service, or even jail time. Depending on the severity of the offense, the driver’s license will likely be suspended or revoked.
Benefits of Hiring a DUI Lawyer
After the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license upon conviction of DUI, your lawyer may be able to help you obtain driving privileges under the condition of using an ignition interlock device (IDD) or the court’s permission to drive to and from work. Prosecutors typically have a plea offer for first-time offenders.

Do You Need to Hire an Attorney?
Though you can represent yourself in a DUI trial, it is highly discouraged. If you’re going to trial, hire a reputable West Palm Beach DUI lawyer by contacting David Olson Law today.