When it comes time to hire a sex offense attorney in West Palm Beach, you have come to a serious moment in your life. So, you need to have a full understanding of what is ahead of you, including what defines a sexual predator. To learn more about this classification, keep reading.
What is a Sexual Predator?
The term sexual predator, unfortunately, is heard more and more often. A sexual predator is someone who with a conviction of a sexually violent offense according to Florida Statue. Plus, this includes someone civilly committed under the Florida Jimmy Ryce Sexually Violent Predator Act with a court order.
What Qualifies Someone as a Sex Offender?
There is an array of accusations and convictions that can qualify someone as a sexual offender. And, according to Florida law enforcement, sexual misconduct, kidnapping of a minor, enticing a child, lewd acts in the presence of an elderly or disabled person, and more qualify as adult convictions.

Do I Need an Attorney?
If you have been accused of a sexual offense of any kind in the state of Florida, you need to contact an attorney. Having an attorney will help you navigate the legal waters. And, at the Law Office of David Olson, we have a knowledgeable and experienced staff. And, we will work to get you the best possible outcome.
Are You in Need of a Sex Offense Attorney in West Palm Beach?
If you find yourself in need of a sex offense attorney in West Palm Beach, contact the Law Offices of David Olson. And, no matter what the accusation, you deserve a fair trial. We will help you for the best result possible. So, Call us today.