According to an American politician, experts say that if children can't read by the end of the fifth grade, they lose self-confidence and self-esteem. Statistically, this makes them more likely to enter the juvenile justice system. In Florida, once a child allegedly commits an offense, a decision is made whether to release the juvenile to their parents, to detain the youth further, or in some cases, to transfer the case to adult court. This is the start of what seems to turn into a vexing nightmare for the youth, parents, and other concerned parties. Hence, getting a juvenile attorney in West Palm Beach can prevent this whole situation from happening.

What are the Important Aspects?
Right to Legal Counsel
As soon as the youth offender is accused of allegedly committing a crime, the law immediately vests upon him the right to legal counsel. This right exists at all stages of the proceedings. The purpose of such a right is to provide the youth offender protection from legal consequences that can affect him for the rest of his life.
Juveniles May Be Tried as Adults
According to Florida’s Juvenile Law, youth offenders who have committed heinous crimes and those who have committed another crime may be tried as adults. Hence, when the law sees that you’re not a first-time offender, the process of being taken into custody will be the same as those of adult offenders.
In 2017, statistics show that more than 1,000 youth offenders in Florida were tried as adults. This only shows that most of the first-time offenders don’t take the law seriously. That is why it’s essential that parents get a juvenile attorney so the law can be explained to their kids in a way that they’ll understand.
Centered on Rehabilitation
Unlike the ordinary criminal justice system, the juvenile justice system is centered on rehabilitation. The system aims to strengthen families by providing effective treatment, intervention, and prevention services for youth offenders. Thus, no punitive measures shall be inflicted upon first-time juvenile offenders.

Looking for a Juvenile Attorney in West Palm Beach?
David Olson is an experienced juvenile attorney serving the State of Florida for several years. Contact David Olson Law to know more about the juvenile justice system!