Did you hear about the national multi-million dollar retail theft ring? According to police investigations, it was shown that the ring committed fraudulent transactions resulting in a great retail loss of about $300,000. If you were charged with committing such a crime, it’s time to contact a retail theft attorney in West Palm Beach.

Second and Third Degree Retail Theft
What is Second Degree Retail Theft?
According to Section 812.015(9) of the Florida Statute, the crime of second-degree retail theft is committed when a person has previously been convicted of a third-degree retail theft felony. The crime may also be committed when individually, or in concert with one or more other persons, coordinates the activities of one or more persons in committing the offense of retail theft where the stolen property has a value in excess of $3,000.
What is Third Degree Retail Theft?
Such a crime is committed if the value of the property stolen is $300 or more. It may be committed by the following individuals who:
- Act in concert with one or more other individuals within one or more establishments to distract the merchant, merchant’s employee, or law enforcement officer to carry out the offense, or acts in other ways to coordinate efforts to carry out the offense;
- Commit theft from more than one location within 48 hours, in which case the amount of each theft is aggregated to determine the value of the property stolen; or
- Coordinate the activities of one or more individuals in committing the offense, in which case the amount of each theft is aggregated to determine the value of the property stolen.
However, the Florida statute increased the threshold of the felony from $300 or more to $750 or more.

Need a Retail Theft Attorney in West Palm Beach?
If you were charged with retail theft felony, you can’t wait to get help. Instead, contact David Olson Law as soon as possible.