If you had a run-in with the law because of substance abuse, possession of drugs or an officer arrested you on suspicion of selling narcotics, you need a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court. A drug defense attorney West Palm Beach can determine which defenses might be applicable to your case. Some defenses challenge the testimony or evidence in the case, procedural errors, or stated facts.
Finding a Drug Defense Lawyer
There are several ways to find a drug defense attorney. You can ask your co-workers, friends, or family members if they have hired an attorney before. If they have, ask about their experience of that particular lawyer. When choosing a drug defense attorney, there are some things you should put into consideration.
- Are you comfortable telling the lawyer personal information?
- Does the lawyer seem interested in helping you solve your problem?
- Lawyer’s years of experience in handling cases similar to yours
- The structure of the cost (hourly or flat fee). Are the legal fees reasonable?
Things to Prepare When Meeting a Drug Defense Attorney
Some criminal defense lawyers may ask you to fill out a questionnaire before your first meeting. If you are requested to fill in a document, send it to the lawyer before your meeting. You should also bring several documents with you such as:
- The police report
- Paperwork you have from the court detailing your next court appearance and the charges filed against you
- Bail papers
- Any documents the police gave you
It would be helpful to the lawyer as well if you compile a list of everyone connected to your case. These include victims, witnesses, and other defendants.

Need Help with Drug Possession Charges? Hire a Drug Defense Attorney West Palm Beach
If you’re dealing with drug possession charges, hire an experienced drug defense attorney West Palm Beach as soon as possible . Contact David Olson Law office today!