We all know buying, selling, and possessing controlled substances of any kind can land us in a sticky situation. Yet, you may find yourself in need of a drug defense attorney in West Palm Beach on drug trafficking charges. But, what is drug trafficking? Keep reading to learn more:
What is Drug Trafficking?
Drug trafficking is actually defined in fairly general terms. So, trafficking targets any activity regarding the sale, purchase, making, delivery, or transportation of drugs into Florida. If you are aware of the role you are playing in the distribution of drugs at any stage and are caught, you may be subject to drug trafficking charges.

Which Substances Fall Under Drug Trafficking?
Drug trafficking doesn’t just include the drug itself. In fact, if you are aware of the ingredients necessary to make the drug, you’re at risk too. Controlled substances under statue 893.135 include but are not limited to:Marijuana (cannabis)CocaineOxycodone and HydrocodoneHeroinLSDAmphetamine (Adderall)Methamphetamine (meth)
What are the Penalties of Drug Trafficking?
When it comes to drug trafficking the sentencing is harsh. So, you are most likely looking at a minimum of a few years mandatory jail time with a hefty fine. That fine can be a few tens of thousands or get into the hundreds, depending on the severity of the crime.
Are You in Need of a Drug Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach?
If you find yourself risking a drug offense, it’s time to get a drug defense attorney in West Palm Beach. At the law offices of David Olson, our team is full of experience and will guide you through the legal process. So, contact us today to see how we can assist you.