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A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help with the Bail Process

One of the most common questions defendants ask a criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach concerns the posting of a bail. The reason for this is that a defendant who’s out on bail will not spend time behind bars, can help in collecting pieces of evidence to strengthen the case against them, and gives the convenience to reach out a defense attorney.

How a Defense Attorney Can Help

Experience and Expertise

A lot of people think that hiring a criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach is an unnecessary expense. However, what they don’t realize is that a good lawyer is capable of giving them their freedom in a short period of time.

Thus, if you attempt to save yourself with zero knowledge of the justice system and the law, you are risking going behind bars or paying a hefty amount in exchange for your freedom. An attorney right by your side will save hasten the process because they already know the ins and outs of the justice system.

Determine Whether the Amount of Bail is Justifiable

Upon arrest and once the offense is bailable, the defendant can immediately post bail upon the recommendation and directive of the court. This is to guarantee that the defendant will return and appear the trial of his or her case.

However, there will always be a time when a specific sum of money assigned as bail is unconscionable, unacceptable, or incorrect. With a criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach by your side, you will be guided every step of the way. Your attorney may look into the amount of bail and question it in case it is too much when compared to the offense you have committed.

Nonetheless, you have to note that the amount of bail is usually higher, and it will typically require you to get the services of a bail bondsman.

Use the Services of a Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach

Did you commit an offense? If you have, you will need a criminal defense attorney to guide you through the process. Contact David Olson Law today!

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