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Build A Proactive Defense Against White Collar Crime Charges

If you or a member of your family has been accused of a white-collar crime, you may face years in prison if convicted. You know you need an excellent criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach, but there are hundreds of them in Florida. How are you supposed to know which one to pick?

Criminal Defense Attorney West Palm Beach

Understanding White Collar Crimes

What is it?

Long paper trials, forensic computer evidence, and other complicated concerns may be involved in a white-collar criminal case, all of which require the attention of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

What is the distinction between white-collar and blue-collar crime? Violent offenses such as armed robbery, assault, or murder are referred to as "blue-collar crimes." Illegal gambling and prostitution are examples of non-violent crimes that fall under this category. White-collar crimes, on the other hand, are criminal acts involving corporate professionals and government officials.


Examples of white-collar crimes include:

  • Identity theft
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Embezzlement
  • Healthcare fraud
  • Kickback charges
  • Tax evasion
  • Election law violations

Because the accused uses digital tools and online access to commit white-collar crimes, it is not immediately apparent that a crime is taking place.

The Importance of Choosing a Board Certified Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with a white-collar offense in Florida, you should speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A smart lawyer can get an advantage against prosecutors by getting a head start on them. Prosecutors are already hard at work putting together their best case against you.

Speak With a Criminal Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach

Attorney David W. Olson, with more than 33 years of experience is here to defend your rights, freedom, job, and everything else that is at risk as a result of a white-collar criminal prosecution. To schedule a complimentary case review, call The Law Offices of David W. Olson.

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